In the far future, humanity has long ago cast itself out from Earth to populate the terraformed planets of Mars and Venus, and other places throughout the solar system-or Soland, as it has come to be called. Studious and carefree Lora Callisto lives an idyllic life on her home planet, Venus. But that changes when a summons drags her to Earth to meet with XC, the powerful automation system keeping all of Soland running with clockwork precision through the labor of billions of automatons, known as auts. When XC's vast mind computes that Lora is a perfect candidate to help repel a stealth...
In the far future, humanity has long ago cast itself out from Earth to populate the terraformed planets of Mars and Venus, and other places throughout...
After thwarting a Centaurian attack on Soland and becoming a prisoner of Centauri, Lora Callisto struggles to adapt to life in a labor camp on the Centaurian home planet of Zanth.
In Soland, Tanel and Arek, whose lives were wrenched upside down by Lora's jarring departure, are driven by the heartache of not knowing her fate to devise a bold plan to search for her.
Meanwhile, after years of computation, XC, the vast-minded automation system running all of Soland, finally arrives at its own...
The Solanders adventure continues with...
After thwarting a Centaurian attack on Soland and becoming a pri...