"Overwatch" is the story of Marine Scout Sniper Scott Taggart, a man that has been in the Marine Corps since he was eighteen and is driven by duty, honor, country and extreme loyalty. When young CIA agent Kate Dotson, who secretly works for British Intelligence, presents them with an opportunity that could alter the outcome of the Vietnam War, he and his spotter Mickey Young jump at the chance. Along with Seal Team 2 Scott, Mickey and Kate make their way to a strategic stronghold inside the Cambodian border. Little do they know that a year prior a series of events were set in motion that...
"Overwatch" is the story of Marine Scout Sniper Scott Taggart, a man that has been in the Marine Corps since he was eighteen and is driven by duty, ho...
"Retribution" is the story of CIA agent Jackson Smith, a man tasked with a mission that could help secure the nation's border from its biggest threat to date, the Rancon Cartel. Along the way he meets fellow CIA agent Jason Bond, a man who uses his name to his advantage, who joins him on his mission to secure the border. Using a CIA safe house in Juarez they strategize their options on how to proceed. After a reconnaissance mission goes wrong where Jackson realizes that his friend from the Navy, Hidalgo Ortiz, is working with the Cartel the Cartel responds the only way they know how, with...
"Retribution" is the story of CIA agent Jackson Smith, a man tasked with a mission that could help secure the nation's border from its biggest threat ...
"The Couch" is the story of Stephany Lux a clinical psychologist, who specializes in hypnosis therapy. Stephany was on the brink of a breakthrough in treating patients with PTSD while completing her Master's Degree at Harvard University in 2003. An experiment gone horribly wrong led to Stephany being excommunicated from Harvard and resulted in her being driven to seek revenge against those who've done her wrong. New York Police detective John Story and his partner Ray Jensen are working a case that has eerily similar traits to a case detective Story worked while he was working the CSI...
"The Couch" is the story of Stephany Lux a clinical psychologist, who specializes in hypnosis therapy. Stephany was on the brink of a breakthrough in ...