A funny twist on the old cat and mouse tale. Mouse has decided to become a tailor, but right away things start to go wrong. Is the problem with the measuring tape that seems to shrink and lengthen at will? Or is it the pair of wily pinking shears that mess everything up? Read how Cat's lovely bolt of fine blue cloth shrinks bit by bit, no matter how carefully Mouse measures and cuts. Uusi, entistakin hauskempi versio vanhasta -Hiiri raatalina- -tarinasta. Hiiri on paattanyt ryhtya raataliksi, mutta kas kummaa - ei se niin helppoa olekaan. Asiat alkavat menna todella hullusti. Onko syy...
A funny twist on the old cat and mouse tale. Mouse has decided to become a tailor, but right away things start to go wrong. Is the problem with the me...