This is a book about personal mastery for school leaders and their students. It references an ongoing concern about reflection in learning, education, and human development. Innumerable ideas and concepts about this have been advanced in the past; most claim more than they can deliver. The notes and reflections on personal mastery presented here are not intended to be yet another version of such traditional treatments. Rather, this book looks at personal mastery from a new perspective and considers it as the result of self-empowered education and practice.
This is a book about personal mastery for school leaders and their students. It references an ongoing concern about reflection in learning, education,...
This is a book about personal mastery for school leaders and their students. It references an ongoing concern about reflection in learning, education, and human development. Innumerable ideas and concepts about this have been advanced in the past; most claim more than they can deliver. The notes and reflections on personal mastery presented here are not intended to be yet another version of such traditional treatments. Rather, this book looks at personal mastery from a new perspective and considers it as the result of self-empowered education and practice.
This is a book about personal mastery for school leaders and their students. It references an ongoing concern about reflection in learning, education,...
Dieses Open-Access-Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über Lösungsansätze, mit denen die Versicherungswirtschaft den wesentlichen Herausforderungen und Megatrends der heutigen Zeit begegnen kann. Es handelt sich also um eine umfangreiche Momentaufnahme der Auseinandersetzungen mit relevanten Forschungsfragen zu den Risiken im Bereich des Versicherungsgeschäfts. Dabei kommen die Sichtweisen von Juristen, Mathematikern, Wirtschaftswissenschaftlern, Sozialwissenschaftlern und Ingenieuren zum Ausdruck, um der Vielschichtigkeit der Thematik gerecht werden zu können. Die Besonderheit...
Dieses Open-Access-Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über Lösungsansätze, mit denen die Versicherungswirtschaft den wesentlichen Herausforde...