Naked Rain is about an average middle-class family who faced a crisis that is, unfortunately, getting too familiar--the murder of a child. From birth to youth, we protect our children with every fiber of our being--with passion, with vigor, with pride--only to have their light extinguished.
As parents, we struggle when we have been suddenly deprived of our future--from giving birth, welcoming them home to their new nursery, carefully burping, holding their little head and neck, feeding and changing diapers, to taking them to school. We figure out what sports they should partake in...
Naked Rain is about an average middle-class family who faced a crisis that is, unfortunately, getting too familiar--the murder of a child. From bir...
Naked Rain is about an average middle-class family who faced a crisis that is, unfortunately, getting too familiar--the murder of a child. From birth to youth, we protect our children with every fiber of our being--with passion, with vigor, with pride--only to have their light extinguished.
As parents, we struggle when we have been suddenly deprived of our future--from giving birth, welcoming them home to their new nursery, carefully burping, holding their little head and neck, feeding and changing diapers, to taking them to school. We figure out what sports they should partake in...
Naked Rain is about an average middle-class family who faced a crisis that is, unfortunately, getting too familiar--the murder of a child. From bir...