"Koby's New Home" takes a sometimes humorous, often unsettling and scary look at economic dislocation. Having lost his job and now struggling to find a new one, William Grabinski has no choice but to rent a small, dirt cheap unit in an old, decrepit building. Feeling lonely and isolated there, he can't resist adopting a kitten that cries at him from the building's courtyard on a cold December day. The kitten, which Grabinski names Koby, is shivering and starving. He stares up at the man who stops and speaks to him, wondering if he's a threat or not. The kitten allows Grabinski to pick him up...
"Koby's New Home" takes a sometimes humorous, often unsettling and scary look at economic dislocation. Having lost his job and now struggling to find ...
"Waking In The Dark" is a collection of six eerie, sometimes humorous, but often tense and paranoid stories rooted in dreams ... or, more precisely, nightmares experienced in the pitch dark. The stories include "Who Is Bill Topor?" about a man in a cafe who gets verbally harassed by two unemployed factor workers, unaware that they pose a far greater threat than just words; "The Golden Hotel," about a historic South Florida hotel that's popular with ghost hunters; and "Succubus," about a man who rents the wrong Oceanside cabin at the wrong time. All six tales look at the way our daily reality...
"Waking In The Dark" is a collection of six eerie, sometimes humorous, but often tense and paranoid stories rooted in dreams ... or, more precisely, n...