In the year 2126, mostly women survive 100 years after the Cataclysm. Patriarch power has ended. Of the billions of people, only a few million survive to build a matriarch society. Mothers' Rules stress the development of humane technology for humane survival. To insure human survival, the X-Terra project creates tunnel-towns in the Moon and Mars. Visitors invite matriarchs to extend the human family back to their first homes in the Regulus, Sirius, and Orion star systems. With the help of the Visitors, matriarch technology perfects wormhole travel to speed home-making in the stars.
In the year 2126, mostly women survive 100 years after the Cataclysm. Patriarch power has ended. Of the billions of people, only a few million survive...
It is the year 2126, 100 years after the Cataclysm. Ten years of asteroid storms decimated the Earth. Earth is now a Great Sea with a few island chains. The few million survivors are mostly women forming global matriarch republics. The X-Terra project aims to extend the human family beyond the uncertainties of the Earth. Magnetic levitation, solar Dyson spheres, and wormholes provide trails to the stars. Moon and Mars tunnel-towns test home-making away from the Earth. The Visitors suggest we can go home again to Regulus, Sirius, and Orion. Visitors pop thoughts into our heads like...
It is the year 2126, 100 years after the Cataclysm. Ten years of asteroid storms decimated the Earth. Earth is now a Great Sea with a few island chain...