The anthology, "Contemporary Fireside Poems," offers a fine mixture of writers, subjects and themes-there are 'old', expert voices as well as 'new', budding voices. It equally blends multiple levels of narration each with their own unique style in a fascinating way to present a unique perspective; mostly in the communal edu-tainment fashion. For this reason, we suggest that you experience the joy of sitting around the fireside, eating 'krawo' (crispy, crunchy rice), feel the warmth of communal bonding and enjoy the diverse themes, tones, messages and styles that come with a truly Sierra...
The anthology, "Contemporary Fireside Poems," offers a fine mixture of writers, subjects and themes-there are 'old', expert voices as well as 'new', b...
The anthology, "Contemporary Fireside Stories," provides a fine mixture of writers-there are 'old', expert, veteran voices as well as 'new', budding voices, and of stories with varied subjects and themes, ranging from historical, inward focussed pieces on adoption and child-rearing experiences to sexual assault and its effects, romantic accounts, alcoholism, street life, witchcraft, and a host of other subjects. In a sense, this new crop of fiction blends personal experiences, social and cultural happenings with love that fashions some kind of bitter-sweet, happy-sad, swing as you read the...
The anthology, "Contemporary Fireside Stories," provides a fine mixture of writers-there are 'old', expert, veteran voices as well as 'new', budding v...