The Valley of Fear Summary The Valley of Fear begins with Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective, and Dr. Watson, his fellow lodger of 221 b Baker Street, in mid-conversation. Holmes is puzzling over an encrypted message, which he has received from Porlock, an associate of Holmes' nemesis Professor Moriarty. A second message from Porlock, which was supposed to contain the key to the coded message, soon arrives, stating that he (Porlock) is afraid of Moriarty's wrath and will not reveal the purpose of his correspondence. Holmes soon deciphers the message regardless, and discovers that it warns...
The Valley of Fear Summary The Valley of Fear begins with Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective, and Dr. Watson, his fellow lodger of 221 b Baker Stre...
For reasons that are unclear, Nicholas Craigie, Captain of the Pole-Star, decides to anchor in the middle of the arctic ocean, contrary to the opinion of his crew. Indeed, the boat could be trapped in the ice at any moment, resulting in a sudden death for everyone. Days pass... One morning Mr. Manson, the second mate, reports he saw a ghost at night. His story is not taken seriously, and is put on account of idleness. But a few days later, sailor Milne also reports he has seen an apparition around the boat. The whole crew is convinced that something uncanny is flitting around them. The...
For reasons that are unclear, Nicholas Craigie, Captain of the Pole-Star, decides to anchor in the middle of the arctic ocean, contrary to the opinion...