"Tragedy, Yet, Triumphant" is a collection of illustrated poems and short stories by twin sisters: Loretha Wallace and Loretta Wallace Ellis. Their poetry reflects their deep faith in God, their keen appreciation for humanity, their love for family, and their enduring spirit to dream big and stand tall. This edition is in full color so readers can grasp the essence of their art illustrations.
"Tragedy, Yet, Triumphant" is a collection of illustrated poems and short stories by twin sisters: Loretha Wallace and Loretta Wallace Ellis. Their po...
Tragedy, Yet, Triumphant is a collection of illustrated poems and short stories by twin sisters: Loretha Wallace and Loretta Wallace Ellis. Their poetry reflects their deep faith in God, their keen appreciation for humanity, their love for family, and their enduring spirit to dream big and stand tall. This edition is black and white. Softback and hardback editions are available in full color so readers can grasp the essence of the authors' art illustrations.
Tragedy, Yet, Triumphant is a collection of illustrated poems and short stories by twin sisters: Loretha Wallace and Loretta Wallace Ellis. Their poet...