At nineteen, college student Cameron Grayson is caught between the crossroads of money, love, alcohol, and drugs in New York City's Upper West Side. When his self-made grandfather, Henry Grayson, suddenly dies of unspecified reasons, Cam is shocked to find that some of his grandfather's personal items have been passed down to him.
Cameron's father, Chris, gives him strict orders to head uptown to the Bronx in the hopes of sorting things out. Cam doesn't go alone, though; he brings his lifelong friends Evan and Jake as partners in crime on this unexpected adventure. Hoping to learn...
At nineteen, college student Cameron Grayson is caught between the crossroads of money, love, alcohol, and drugs in New York City's Upper West Side...
At nineteen, college student Cameron Grayson is caught between the crossroads of money, love, alcohol, and drugs in New York City's Upper West Side. When his self-made grandfather, Henry Grayson, suddenly dies of unspecified reasons, Cam is shocked to find that some of his grandfather's personal items have been passed down to him.
Cameron's father, Chris, gives him strict orders to head uptown to the Bronx in the hopes of sorting things out. Cam doesn't go alone, though; he brings his lifelong friends Evan and Jake as partners in crime on this unexpected adventure. Hoping to learn...
At nineteen, college student Cameron Grayson is caught between the crossroads of money, love, alcohol, and drugs in New York City's Upper West Side...