Mitologia y religion de los tainos es un analisis comprensible de las creencias y rituales de la cultura que predominaba en las Antillas Mayores al momento de la llegada del europeo. Texto e imagen se complementan para brindar al publico general y al estudioso una obra esencial en la bibliografia indigena del Caribe."
Mitologia y religion de los tainos es un analisis comprensible de las creencias y rituales de la cultura que predominaba en las Antillas Mayores al mo...
Writen for both the general public and the specialist, Tainos and Caribs, Antillean aboriginal cultures summarize the Spanish and French historians' descriptions on the ancient inhabitants of the Antilles, as well as the latest historical, anthropological, linguistic, archaeological and even genetic research.
The goal is also to offer the reader a summary of the experiences lived by the Antillean aboriginal cultures before, during and after the European discovery. In other words, present concisely the origins, heyday, decline and legacy of the Tainos and Caribs.
Writen for both the general public and the specialist, Tainos and Caribs, Antillean aboriginal cultures summarize the Spanish and French his...