According to myth, cats have nine lives, and Alexander Catt II (also known as Lexi) has spent his former lives with scientists of medicine throughout history. In these adventures, Lexi witnesses medical breakthroughs and discoveries, and learns the value of hard work and integrity. In Lexi and Imhotep to the Rescue, Lexi lives with a fictional character, named after Egypt's famous physician, Imhotep. The story is set during the reign of Ramses II, and accurately portrays the medical practices of this advanced civilization. Lexi accompanies young Imhotep to Deir el-Medina, where...
According to myth, cats have nine lives, and Alexander Catt II (also known as Lexi) has spent his former lives with scientists of medicine througho...
According to myth, cats have nine lives, and Alexander Catt II (also known as Lexi) has spent his former lives with scientists of medicine throughout history. In these adventures, Lexi witnesses medical breakthroughs and discoveries, and learns the value of hard work and integrity. In Lexi and Lister Defeat Death, Lexi lives with "Dr. Joe" Lister, the Father of Modern Surgery. When mischievous kitten Bart "the Brat" joins the family, Lexi has his paws full. Bart's accident gives Dr. Joe a chance to prove his antiseptic methods. As word of Dr. Joe's life-saving work spreads, he...
According to myth, cats have nine lives, and Alexander Catt II (also known as Lexi) has spent his former lives with scientists of medicine througho...
According to myth, cats have nine lives, and Alexander Catt II (also known as Lexi) has spent his former lives with scientists of medicine throughout history. In these adventures, Lexi witnesses medical breakthroughs and discoveries, and learns the value of hard work and integrity. In Lexi and Marie Curie Save Lives and Limbs in World War I, Lexi lives in France with the Curie family at the beginning of the 20th century. When injured soldiers return from the warfront, Marie realizes the need for x-ray services, and sets to work providing these to the doctors at the...
According to myth, cats have nine lives, and Alexander Catt II (also known as Lexi) has spent his former lives with scientists of medicine througho...
According to myth, cats have nine lives, and Alexander Catt II (also known as Lexi) has spent his former lives with scientists of medicine throughout history. In these adventures, Lexi witnesses medical breakthroughs and discoveries, and learns the value of hard word and integrity. In Lexi and Hippocrates Find Trouble at the Olympics, Lexi lives Ancient Greece, where he meets Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine. With companions Theo and his hound dog Cerberus, Lexi and Hippocrates travel to Olympia for the ancient Olympic Games. Together, Lexi and Hippocrates uncover treachery and...
According to myth, cats have nine lives, and Alexander Catt II (also known as Lexi) has spent his former lives with scientists of medicine througho...
In medieval Europe, a young maiden, Verity, suffers the manipulation of a power-hungry Duchess. Determined to improve her daughter Violet's status, the Duchess incessantly belittles and insults Verity, wearing away her self-esteem. One by one, the Duchess removes those who provide protection, but she is unaware of Rothko, Verity's black-feathered guardian who sees everything. Using her black magic, the Duchess seems all-powerful. But she overlooks the strong bond of friendship the two girls share. And Verity has magic of her own, in her integrity, her loving heart, and ultimately, her own...
In medieval Europe, a young maiden, Verity, suffers the manipulation of a power-hungry Duchess. Determined to improve her daughter Violet's status,...