It's the summer of 1942 in a small, quaint village, nestled deep in the rolling bluegrass countryside of Kentucky. The sleepy community of Peaks Mill is suddenly awakened by the discovery of a body found floating in the Elkhorn creek. All evidence points to young Zack Clayborne. However, his family maintains his innocence as his older brother, Everett, pursues the truth. The lives of two families, the Thompsons and the Claybornes, intertwine in a search for answers. The world of horse racing, shady bookies and a seemingly untamable thoroughbred add to the intrigue. As the story unfolds, one...
It's the summer of 1942 in a small, quaint village, nestled deep in the rolling bluegrass countryside of Kentucky. The sleepy community of Peaks Mill ...
The bluish haze of the distant hills provides the backdrop to the circle of life as it continues in the small community of Peaks Mill, Kentucky. Joyful births, sorrowful deaths, young love and marriage all combine to provide a peek into the lifeblood of two families. The lives of the Thompsons and the Claybornes are changing as most family's lives do. The tug of war for wealth and power continues between J.D. and Lucy, the two children and heirs of Colonel Jack. However, the stakes are higher and the two heirs have more to contend with than each other. A new challenge to their family fortune...
The bluish haze of the distant hills provides the backdrop to the circle of life as it continues in the small community of Peaks Mill, Kentucky. Joyfu...