Tamano del libro: 21 x 29 cm Este libro es perfecto para aprender o para ensenar. Puedes pintar cada imagen/palabra, luego recortarla para crear tus propias tarjetas de repaso. Es ideal para ninos, adolescentes y adultos. Uno de los libros mas apreciados por los profesores, estudiantes, ninos y homeschoolers. Indice: 1.a 2.about 3.after 4.again 5.all 6.am 7.an 8.and 9.any 10.are 11.as 12.at 13.be 14.been 15.before 16.being 17.but 18.by 19.come 20.could 21.did 22.do 23.down 24.for 25.from 26.good 27.had 28.have 29.he 30.her 31.him 32.his 33.how 34.I 35.if 36.in 37.into 38.is 39.it 40.know...
Tamano del libro: 21 x 29 cm Este libro es perfecto para aprender o para ensenar. Puedes pintar cada imagen/palabra, luego recortarla para crear tus p...
Bienvenue a Paint & Learn, Ce livre est parfait pour apprendre ou pour enseigner. Vous pouvez colorier chaque image/mot, puis les decouper pour creer vos propres flashcards (fiches de support pedagogique). Ce livre est ideal pour les enfants, les adolescents et les adultes. Il est l'un des plus apprecies par les enseignants, etudiants, enfants et homeschoolers. Sommaire: 1.a 2.about 3.after 4.again 5.all 6.am 7.an 8.and 9.any 10.are 11.as 12.at 13.be 14.been 15.before 16.being 17.but 18.by 19.come 20.could 21.did 22.do 23.down 24.for 25.from 26.good 27.had 28.have 29.he 30.her 31.him 32.his...
Bienvenue a Paint & Learn, Ce livre est parfait pour apprendre ou pour enseigner. Vous pouvez colorier chaque image/mot, puis les decouper pour creer ...
Size of the book: 21 x 29 cm This book is perfect to learn or to teach. You can paint each picture/word, then cut it to make your own flashcards. It's ideal for children, teens and adults. One of the most appreciated book by teachers, students, children and homeschoolers. Table of contents: 1.always 2.another 3.away 4.back 5.better 6.came 7.can 8.day 9.dear 10.done 11.don't 12.enough 13.even 14.ever 15.every 16.eyes 17.face 18.father 19.first 20.found 21.get 22.give 23.go 24.going 25.got 26.great 27.hand 28.has 29.having 30.head 31.heard 32.here 33.herself 34.himself 35.home 36.house...
Size of the book: 21 x 29 cm This book is perfect to learn or to teach. You can paint each picture/word, then cut it to make your own flashcards. It's...
Tamano del libro: 21 x 29 cm Este libro es perfecto para aprender o para ensenar. Puedes pintar cada imagen/palabra, luego recortarla para crear tus propias tarjetas de repaso. Es ideal para ninos, adolescentes y adultos. Uno de los libros mas apreciados por los profesores, estudiantes, ninos y homeschoolers. Indice: 1.always 2.another 3.away 4.back 5.better 6.came 7.can 8.day 9.dear 10.done 11.don't 12.enough 13.even 14.ever 15.every 16.eyes 17.face 18.father 19.first 20.found 21.get 22.give 23.go 24.going 25.got 26.great 27.hand 28.has 29.having 30.head 31.heard 32.here 33.herself...
Tamano del libro: 21 x 29 cm Este libro es perfecto para aprender o para ensenar. Puedes pintar cada imagen/palabra, luego recortarla para crear tus p...
Bienvenue a Paint & Learn, Ce livre est parfait pour apprendre ou pour enseigner. Vous pouvez colorier chaque image/mot, puis les decouper pour creer vos propres flashcards (fiches de support pedagogique). Ce livre est ideal pour les enfants, les adolescents et les adultes. Il est l'un des plus apprecies par les enseignants, etudiants, enfants et homeschoolers. Sommaire: 1.always 2.another 3.away 4.back 5.better 6.came 7.can 8.day 9.dear 10.done 11.don't 12.enough 13.even 14.ever 15.every 16.eyes 17.face 18.father 19.first 20.found 21.get 22.give 23.go 24.going 25.got 26.great 27.hand 28.has...
Bienvenue a Paint & Learn, Ce livre est parfait pour apprendre ou pour enseigner. Vous pouvez colorier chaque image/mot, puis les decouper pour creer ...
Size of the book: 21 x 29 cm This book is perfect to learn or to teach. You can paint each picture/word, then cut it to make your own flashcards. It's ideal for children, teens and adults. One of the most appreciated book by teachers, students, children and homeschoolers. Table of contents: 1.against 2.almost 3.among 4.answered 5.anything 6.asked 7.because 8.began 9.believe 10.best 11.between 12.both 13.boy 14.brought 15.called 16.cannot 17.coming 18.course 19.cried 20.days 21.door 22.each 23.end 24.evening 25.family 26.far 27.felt 28.few 29.find 30.friend 31.gave 32.gentleman 33.gone 34.half...
Size of the book: 21 x 29 cm This book is perfect to learn or to teach. You can paint each picture/word, then cut it to make your own flashcards. It's...
Tamano del libro: 21 x 29 cm Este libro es perfecto para aprender o para ensenar. Puedes pintar cada imagen/palabra, luego recortarla para crear tus propias tarjetas de repaso. Es ideal para ninos, adolescentes y adultos. Uno de los libros mas apreciados por los profesores, estudiantes, ninos y homeschoolers. Indice: 1.against 2.almost 3.among 4.answered 5.anything 6.asked 7.because 8.began 9.believe 10.best 11.between 12.both 13.boy 14.brought 15.called 16.cannot 17.coming 18.course 19.cried 20.days 21.door 22.each 23.end 24.evening 25.family 26.far 27.felt 28.few 29.find 30.friend 31.gave...
Tamano del libro: 21 x 29 cm Este libro es perfecto para aprender o para ensenar. Puedes pintar cada imagen/palabra, luego recortarla para crear tus p...
Bienvenue a Paint & Learn, Ce livre est parfait pour apprendre ou pour enseigner. Vous pouvez colorier chaque image/mot, puis les decouper pour creer vos propres flashcards (fiches de support pedagogique). Ce livre est ideal pour les enfants, les adolescents et les adultes. Il est l'un des plus apprecies par les enseignants, etudiants, enfants et homeschoolers. Sommaire: 1.against 2.almost 3.among 4.answered 5.anything 6.asked 7.because 8.began 9.believe 10.best 11.between 12.both 13.boy 14.brought 15.called 16.cannot 17.coming 18.course 19.cried 20.days 21.door 22.each 23.end 24.evening...
Bienvenue a Paint & Learn, Ce livre est parfait pour apprendre ou pour enseigner. Vous pouvez colorier chaque image/mot, puis les decouper pour creer ...
Size of the book: 21 x 29 cm This book is perfect to learn or to teach. You can paint each picture/word, then cut it to make your own flashcards. It's ideal for children, teens and adults. One of the most appreciated book by teachers, students, children and homeschoolers. Table of contents: 1.above 2.account 3.air 4.alone 5.along 6.already 7.answer 8.appeared 9.ask 10.bad 11.bear 12.bed 13.behind 14.black 15.business 16.call 17.can't 18.care 19.certain 20.chapter 21.child 22.children 23.close 24.country 25.dark 26.deal 27.does 28.doubt 29.either 30.else 31.everything 32.fear 33.feel...
Size of the book: 21 x 29 cm This book is perfect to learn or to teach. You can paint each picture/word, then cut it to make your own flashcards. It's...
Tamano del libro: 21 x 29 cm Este libro es perfecto para aprender o para ensenar. Puedes pintar cada imagen/palabra, luego recortarla para crear tus propias tarjetas de repaso. Es ideal para ninos, adolescentes y adultos. Uno de los libros mas apreciados por los profesores, estudiantes, ninos y homeschoolers. Indice: 1.above 2.account 3.air 4.alone 5.along 6.already 7.answer 8.appeared 9.ask 10.bad 11.bear 12.bed 13.behind 14.black 15.business 16.call 17.can't 18.care 19.certain 20.chapter 21.child 22.children 23.close 24.country 25.dark 26.deal 27.does 28.doubt 29.either 30.else...
Tamano del libro: 21 x 29 cm Este libro es perfecto para aprender o para ensenar. Puedes pintar cada imagen/palabra, luego recortarla para crear tus p...