Redesigning Eden has been man's attempt to making himself a better life forever... whether by fair means or foul all his attention focus on himself... as he promoted himself to life engineer... Eden has been around all the time... still man thinks the grass is always greener... Yet Redesigning Eden often leads to quite an unexpected turn of events... as we can see here... twists of fate and sleights of hand rule the game... one might even get much more but so much more than you bargained for... and find you've bitten off more than you could chew...
Redesigning Eden has been man's attempt to making himself a better life forever... whether by fair means or foul all his attention focus on himself......
Sometimes you really feel like somebody is really trying God's patience... on you... on your life... and you feel you've had enough... more than enough... more than you can take... more than anyone should have to put with... you feel that pressing need to reach for that Grant-Me-Patience magic wand now... any moment now you're gonna blow your top... but then somehow the sky clears of the clouds and a new sunlight is shed on the matter... and you feel better... ready and willing to take the whole world on again... only in a different way...
Sometimes you really feel like somebody is really trying God's patience... on you... on your life... and you feel you've had enough... more than enoug...
Les Francais, et les Europeens, doivent regagner la maitrise de leur pays et de leur economie en tous points... La France est devenue l'esclave de l'Europe, des Etats-Unis et de la Chine La France a confie sa gestion et son emploi a l'etranger, qui ne les lui a pas rendus, depuis trop longtemps... Il est une question de survie que la France doit recuperer son industrie, son emploi et redevenir proprietaire de sa dette si dette il y a... c'est la seule solution a la souverainete nationale et du peuple francais... toutes les mesures economiques et politiques des cent dernieres annees n'on...
Les Francais, et les Europeens, doivent regagner la maitrise de leur pays et de leur economie en tous points... La France est devenue l'esclave de l'E...
Second Helpings is a collection of stories about people who got a second chance in life who saw life hand them a second deal... Because life is all about adventure and the unexpected turns up and turns out for the better all the time... and we should always come running back for more... Where are the headstrong Forty Braves headed ? What is the secret of Tropolitsa Girls ? The Gabbeh Weaver on a magic carpet ride Farhad and Anna far and nigh Adam And Eve when love is all Fedelma - A tale of hope and success Does the Memory Practice really offer a cure ? A Dream Love to be had The Girl Who...
Second Helpings is a collection of stories about people who got a second chance in life who saw life hand them a second deal... Because life is all ab...
Des nouvelles de mes femmes... Un voyage au bord et a bord d'un autre monde... une autre destination... Les femmes ont toujours fait partie integrante de ma vie... aussi je me devais de leur rendre hommage... Un Amour De Reve connaitra-t-il la realite ? Decouvrez la planete de l'Astronaute... Le Baiser et sa passion eternellement enflammee... Trouver son bonheur Chez Leclerc est-il encore possible ? Un etrange Compagnon De Voyage pour une voyageuse hors du commun... Quelle sera La Derniere Danse De Gayaneh ? Fedelma croyait en un autre monde, un autre avenir et s'y employa... Ou allait donc...
Des nouvelles de mes femmes... Un voyage au bord et a bord d'un autre monde... une autre destination... Les femmes ont toujours fait partie integrante...
Ammour est-il eternel ? Un Amour De Reve connaitra-t-il la realite ? Le Baiser et sa passion eternellement enflammee... Le Cessez-Le-Feu sonnera-t-il la fin de la guerre ? Fedelma croyait en une autre vie, un autre monde, un autre avenir et s'y employa... La Derniere Danse De Gayaneh fera-t-elle d'elle une etoile ? Ou s'en allait donc La Femme Qui Disparaissait ? Jusqu'ou L'Intrus comptait-il s'imposer ? Qui sait vraiment si Je ne Suis Pas Eric Fottorino ? Jesse Jazze-t-il ? L'Opera detient-il la cle de la survie ? Le Pire Ratage au depart d'un virage viral fatidique... Saint-Christophe...
Ammour est-il eternel ? Un Amour De Reve connaitra-t-il la realite ? Le Baiser et sa passion eternellement enflammee... Le Cessez-Le-Feu sonnera-t-il ...
Visionary Mountains arises from an idea I developed with one of my narrators Helen LLOYD... born of the pleasure of working together... Visionary Mountains is a collection of Helen's choice of readings of some of my works from a reader's point of view... very precious to the writer I am... The short stories here are about people for people... as usual... people like you and I... the boy next door... the girl in waiting... there's more to the life they lead than meets the eye... and they have often missed the appointment with their own life... I always loved the Joan ARMATRADING song... and...
Visionary Mountains arises from an idea I developed with one of my narrators Helen LLOYD... born of the pleasure of working together... Visionary Moun...
Dans La Faim Des Regimes j'ai repris le travail de ma vie... de mon etude de l'alimentation et de ses consequences... sur le metabolisme... Aucun medecin... aucune nutritionniste... aucune etude n'a dure aussi longtemps que mon travail sur l'alimentation et la nourriture Un petit regime et puis s'en va... Tous les regimes marchent... le temps d'un regime... Tous les livres de regimes a succes sont ecrit par des gens en pleine forme... qui n'ont souvent jamais teste leur propres ecrits... mais qui n'ont pas hesite a s'enrichir sur leur dos en se faisant la peau de leur lecteurs... et celui...
Dans La Faim Des Regimes j'ai repris le travail de ma vie... de mon etude de l'alimentation et de ses consequences... sur le metabolisme... Aucun mede...
In Hunger For Diets I revisit the work of my life... of my study of food and its effects and consequences on the body... on our metabolism... Not one doctor... not one specialist... not one study... has ever lasted as long as my study One diet here today one diet gone tomorrow... All diets work... while you're on that diet...All successful diet books have been written by people in wonderful shape... who most of the time have never even put their diet to the test... but who didn't think twice about making their fortune on the fat of their readers... and those who have tested it based their...
In Hunger For Diets I revisit the work of my life... of my study of food and its effects and consequences on the body... on our metabolism... Not one ...
Eerie Arias comes as a concert collection of echoes ricocheting from beyond... stories where facts meet fiction... words on the wind... that worm their way inwards... stories where fact buds bloom into fiction... people's life tracks venture on the jagged edge of yonder... It has recently been found that our memory goes way beyond our birth and conception... could this explain our deeds and feats... or failure to see the light ? I have always wondered why from my earliest days I have been obsessed with looking more Asian or ancient Egyptian...
Eerie Arias comes as a concert collection of echoes ricocheting from beyond... stories where facts meet fiction... words on the wind... that worm thei...