When a cow takes a walk in West Africa, he meets many different people and sees many different things...it was be nice if he had the time to stop and greet people. Act On It creates and distributes new and original learning books for children in the developing world. 'Move It, Mooove It ' includes positive images of the local people a friendly cow meets on a walk through the suburbs of Freetown, Sierra Leone. The book includes role play ideas and active learning activities that boost literacy and transform the classroom into a creative learning environment as the children 'Act On It'. You can...
When a cow takes a walk in West Africa, he meets many different people and sees many different things...it was be nice if he had the time to stop and ...
When Teddy returns from a trip to Sierra Leone, he has photographs and facts to share about the people and places he has seen. He also has an important message to share...although there may be differences in our lives ....'our hearts all beat the same...' The book includes the text for an easy to perform play suitable for primary schools and could be used in class or as an assembly. There are also ideas for drama-based learning activities that can link to Speaking and Listening, Citizenship, PSHE and SMSC. The words and pictures in the book were created during Act On It workshops with pupils...
When Teddy returns from a trip to Sierra Leone, he has photographs and facts to share about the people and places he has seen. He also has an importan...