"There is hardly any other art which Europeans approach with so much mistrust as African art."
Carl Einstein (1885-1940) was a pivotal figure in the development of European modernism that occurred during the years leading up to World War I. With the short, dense and revolutionary text of Negro Sculpture, Einstein undertook the first (European) critical response to African sculpture, challenging various prejudices and misconceptions around this subject. It would quickly become a crucial text for the European avant-garde and today remains indispensable to understanding the...
"There is hardly any other art which Europeans approach with so much mistrust as African art."
Dada, Antidada, Phantasten und Wunderdilettanten, sowohl miteinander verbundene als auch gegeneinander kampfende Polemiker. Dieser Band versammelt klassische Texte Hugo Balls, Carl Einsteins und Ludwig Rubiners aus dem fruhen 20. Jahrhundert, Zeit der ungeliebten Moderne, nach wie vor Phantasie und Geist aufruhrend, die Vorstellungskraft inspirierend
Dada, Antidada, Phantasten und Wunderdilettanten, sowohl miteinander verbundene als auch gegeneinander kampfende Polemiker. Dieser Band versammelt kla...