Life's stains and wonders is altogether an intriguing anecdotal and poetic book series. The story unfolds intuitively with a family moving from a rural area to an urban area always alluded to as "the neighbourhood" in the book. They were not very much welcomed in the urban area, the rebels were chasing them back to where they came from, however, they managed to forcefully stay. Sooner or later in the neighbourhood, the narrator turned into a companion and a babysitter to an adolescent kid named Victor whose father was a priest known as father Johnson who was accepted to perform miracles with...
Life's stains and wonders is altogether an intriguing anecdotal and poetic book series. The story unfolds intuitively with a family moving from a rura...
Katrina and Other Untold Stories is the juxtaposition of morally neutral non-fictional, fictional, comical, inspirational, socio-economic and political stories put together in a single collection. This book challenges conventional wisdom by offering a different perspective through the stories narrated in a unique and interesting style. It is the first of its own kind to afford a reader to engage in complex debates delivered through a conversational manner. The book exposes the reader to ideologies which include but not limited to patriarchy, feminism, sexism, class struggle, African belief...
Katrina and Other Untold Stories is the juxtaposition of morally neutral non-fictional, fictional, comical, inspirational, socio-economic and politica...