"Why? is filled with relatable rants about a subject Martha Humler knows well: customer service. My wish is one day stories like these will be few and far between--but in the meantime, I hope Martha's book gives you a giggle."
--Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager(R), Legendary Service, and Raving Fans
"Martha's stories are a lighthouse of actionable insights for service professionals that are swimming in a sea of mediocrity."
--Dr. John Timmerman, Chief Scientist, Customer Experience & Innovation, Gallup
"Why? is filled with relatable rants about a subject Martha Humler knows well: customer service. My wish is one day stories like these wil...
"Why? is filled with relatable rants about a subject Martha Humler knows well: customer service. My wish is one day stories like these will be few and far between--but in the meantime, I hope Martha's book gives you a giggle."
--Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager(R), Legendary Service, and Raving Fans
"Martha's stories are a lighthouse of actionable insights for service professionals that are swimming in a sea of mediocrity."
--Dr. John Timmerman, Chief Scientist, Customer Experience & Innovation, Gallup
"Why? is filled with relatable rants about a subject Martha Humler knows well: customer service. My wish is one day stories like these wil...