In a world where everything is decided by games, adorable (but foulmouthed) Izuna Hatsuse is a young Werebeast girl who wants to learn more. As she follows Sora, Shiro, and the others, what answers will she find for herself? LET THE GAMES BEGIN
In a world where everything is decided by games, adorable (but foulmouthed) Izuna Hatsuse is a young Werebeast girl who wants to learn more. As she fo...
A snack thief is on the loose and it's up to Izuna to sniff them out Get ready for another fun-filled volume featuring the wild antics of No Game No Life's most lovable werebeast.
A snack thief is on the loose and it's up to Izuna to sniff them out Get ready for another fun-filled volume featuring the wild antics of No Game No ...