This second monograph in the Mechanical Design Engineering Series deals with the subject of Design for Assembly. It consists of five chapters whose content descriptions follow. Chapter-1 deals with the importance of DFA, an operational definition of assembly, part characterization, reasons for separate parts and creating a apart sequence diagram. Chapter-2 presents and discusses with examples generally accepted DFA product development guidelines. These include: providing a base for assembly, layering and stacking, using multi-functional parts, accommodating for errors, reducing fasteners,...
This second monograph in the Mechanical Design Engineering Series deals with the subject of Design for Assembly. It consists of five chapters whose co...
Design for Mechanical Fatigue deals with the complex process of failure of metals when subjected to variable repetitive loading over large numbers of operating cycles. Failure under these conditions can occur at loading levels significantly below the static strength capability of the material and can be catastrophic. The progression of a fatigue failure is a complex series of additive events. The information presented in this monograph is representative of the models and their application that are generally accepted as providing a reasonable estimate of predicting fatigue behavior. Chapter 1...
Design for Mechanical Fatigue deals with the complex process of failure of metals when subjected to variable repetitive loading over large numbers of ...
Design Monograph V deals with predicting the internal stress states created by bending, torsion and buckling deformation behavior. In addition to presenting classical solution models applicable to simple geometries and loadings the content is expanded to cover more complex circumstances not always covered in standard texts on the subject. Chapter 1 of Design for Bending begins with the classic "simple beam theory" model that predicts a linear internal normal bending stress distribution that balances the bending moment at that location. However, it is only applicable to a beam whose cross...
Design Monograph V deals with predicting the internal stress states created by bending, torsion and buckling deformation behavior. In addition to pres...
Solving practical problems in everyday engineering practice is a far cry from the textbook exercises experienced in academia. Real engineering problems are more complex and generally ill defined; containing poorly stated needs, extraneous information, conflicting goals and other complicating factors. These problems require the skills of creativity and innovation to synthesize and analyze information and knowledge through a logical progression of tasks to arrive at meaningful effective solutions. This monograph investigates the roles of synthesis and analysis as mental activities together with...
Solving practical problems in everyday engineering practice is a far cry from the textbook exercises experienced in academia. Real engineering problem...