I Can Sleep When The Wind Blows is a retelling of the classic story of Jim, a 17 year old boy who applies to work on a farm. His only qualification is that he can sleep when the wind blows. The farmer doesn't understand what he means but he hires him. When a terrible storm comes in the night, the farmer learns the value of this unusual skill.
I Can Sleep When The Wind Blows is a retelling of the classic story of Jim, a 17 year old boy who applies to work on a farm. His only qualification is...
Meet Jane and Bobby is a book written by teenage former foster children and their adopted siblings. They want young foster children to know that being a foster child does not define them and they are not alone. They hope that, through this simple book, young children will understand more about some of the challenges foster children face and will be more likely to reach out and welcome them into their home and their neighborhoods.
Meet Jane and Bobby is a book written by teenage former foster children and their adopted siblings. They want young foster children to know that being...