A chilling new collection of Henry James's short stories exploring the uncanny
In "The Turn of the Screw," one of the most famous ghost stories of all time, a governess becomes obsessed with the belief that malevolent forces are stalking the children in her care. It is accompanied here by several more of the very best of Henry James's short stories, all exploring ghosts and the uncanny.
For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,800 titles, Penguin Classics represents a...
A chilling new collection of Henry James's short stories exploring the uncanny
In "The Turn of the Screw," one of the most famous ghost st...
The story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless, but except the obvious remark that it was gruesome, as, on Christmas Eve in an old house, a strange tale should essentially be, I remember no comment uttered till somebody happened to say that it was the only case he had met in which such a visitation had fallen on a child. The case, I may mention, was that of an apparition in just such an old house as had gathered us for the occasion-an appearance, of a dreadful kind, to a little boy sleeping in the room with his mother and waking her up in the terror of it; waking her not to...
The story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless, but except the obvious remark that it was gruesome, as, on Christmas Eve in an old hou...
Classics for Your Collection: goo.gl/U80LCr --------- A beautiful, young governess is hired by an English gentleman to take care of his orphaned nephew and niece, Miles and Flora. . The only big condition for her work: she will never ever bother the guy with the problems with the kids. The governess' first impression of the place was very favorable and the kids were adorable. Add to this good salary and you have practically a dream job. Some short time later it turned out that something apparently sinister exists there. An idealistic tale turns out to...
Classics for Your Collection: goo.gl/U80LCr --------- A beautiful, young governess is hired by an English ge...
Miss Daisy, una muchacha americana hermosa y libre de mediados del siglo XIX, pasa unas semanas en Suiza para continuar despues su periplo europeo en Roma. Su belleza y comportamiento desenfadado deslumbran al joven Winterboune, a la par que irritan a la tia del chico, paradigma de la rigida sociedad de la epoca. La libertad alegre de Miss Daisy, tan adelantada a su epoca, es para el circulo de norteamericanos de Roma de un libertinaje y vulgaridad aberrante, lo cual sume a Winterboune en el desconcierto de tomar partido entre la valentia y la cobardia, entre el escandalo y el tedio."
Miss Daisy, una muchacha americana hermosa y libre de mediados del siglo XIX, pasa unas semanas en Suiza para continuar despues su periplo europeo en ...
The Madonna of the Future is a longish short story whose resonance right now is audible, at the least. The story is an account of an American who has fallen in love with Florence and haunts it as he studies its art-notably Raphael's Madonna of the Chair in the Uffizi Gallery-and prepares himself to paint his own madonna, using a woman whose image as a young woman lingers with him even as she ages...and he cannot bring himself to paint her.
The Madonna of the Future is a longish short story whose resonance right now is audible, at the least. The story is an account of an American who has ...
The American is a novel by Henry James. The novel is an uneasy combination of social comedy and melodrama concerning the adventures and misadventures of Christopher Newman, an essentially good-hearted but rather gauche American businessman on his first tour of Europe. Newman is looking for a world different from the simple, harsh realities of 19th-century American business. He encounters both the beauty and the ugliness of Europe, and learns not to take either for granted. The core of the novel concerns Newman's courtship of a young widow from an aristocratic Parisian family.
The American is a novel by Henry James. The novel is an uneasy combination of social comedy and melodrama concerning the adventures and misadventures ...
Exemplifying Henry James's famous belief that "Art makes life," The Lesson of the Master is a piercing study of the life that art makes. When the tale's protagonist-a gifted young writer-meets and befriends a famous author he has long idolized, he is both repelled by and attracted to the artist's great secret: the emotional costs of a life dedicated to art. With extraordinary psychological insight and devastating wit, the novella asks the question of whether art is, ultimately, demeaning or ennobling for the artist, while capturing the ambiguities of a life devoted to art, and the choices...
Exemplifying Henry James's famous belief that "Art makes life," The Lesson of the Master is a piercing study of the life that art makes. When the tale...