ALL THE WITCH YOU'LL EVER NEED TO KNOW - A TREAT FOR YOU AT HALLOWEEN AND ALL YEAR. Three stories about a witch you'll want on your side. Vanessa battles vampires, other witches, zombies, trolls, and those really scary and dangerous creatures-the press and Internet trolls. All for the sake of her personal freedom and the man she loves And her family and friends What a witch Never heard of Vanessa Schierman? Of course you haven't, only black widow spiders are more secretive. Vanessa is "the invisible hand" guiding the country. Rumors abound about her, but don't believe them. Here are the...
ALL THE WITCH YOU'LL EVER NEED TO KNOW - A TREAT FOR YOU AT HALLOWEEN AND ALL YEAR. Three stories about a witch you'll want on your side. Vanessa batt...