The third installment in the Happy Hoo-Ha trilogy, The Happy Trail takes readers into the waxing booth with Brazilian wax queen, M.E. Nesser, for a hilarious, eye-opening look at her illustrious career
Using poetry, stories, and illustrations, Nesser sheds light on a rarely discussed, but integral part, of millions of women's beauty regimens.
With sass and spunk, she regales readers with the most hysterical, cringe-worthy, raunchy, and just plain strange situations she's encountered while bending over lady bits wielding hot wax.
Lighthearted and fun, Nesser...
The third installment in the Happy Hoo-Ha trilogy, The Happy Trail takes readers into the waxing booth with Brazilian wax queen, M.E. Nesser...
Sarah Martinez has always felt different. She can't explain what is missing, but she knows this can't be all there is. She dreams of living on her own in an apartment in downtown Portland, but deep down she fears that even moving out of her parent's house in the suburbs won't satisfy the longing in her soul. Then she discovers something unexpected in her great-grandmother's attic, and a new dream begins to grow within her.
Living in a time when the United States is a churchless, closed nation under military rule, Sarah has never thought much about the existence of God. But soon...
Sarah Martinez has always felt different. She can't explain what is missing, but she knows this can't be all there is. She dreams of living on her ...
Sarah Martinez has always felt different. She can't explain what is missing, but she knows this can't be all there is. She dreams of living on her own in an apartment in downtown Portland, but deep down she fears that even moving out of her parent's house in the suburbs won't satisfy the longing in her soul. Then she discovers something unexpected in her great-grandmother's attic, and a new dream begins to grow within her.
Living in a time when the United States is a churchless, closed nation under military rule, Sarah has never thought much about the existence of God. But soon...
Sarah Martinez has always felt different. She can't explain what is missing, but she knows this can't be all there is. She dreams of living on her ...