After my wife died I began to realize that there were many, many tasks that needed to be done, some critically important and time sensitive, some mundane; I searched for a comprehensive book or guide to assist me in making sure that I did not overlook anything, but did not find anything, so, I began keeping notes and recording each of the tasks that I woul need to do, maintaining a log, recording the results of each of the steps. This, then, is the culmination of my efforts, and in formulating thses tasks into a single, comprehensive text, I hope to offer anyone else that finds themselves in...
After my wife died I began to realize that there were many, many tasks that needed to be done, some critically important and time sensitive, some mund...
Essential Guide to Having Your Affairs in Order: I have walked the path of a caregiver, experienced the death of my spouse, and dealt with the overwhelming number of decisions that needed to be made, at times with little or no information. And I can absolutely advise that the time to organize your affairs is now, regardless of your state of health, and before the emergency bells go off; and I can further advise that the time to seek qualified, professional assistance, in the form of a competent Financial Advisor, Attorney, and a CPA would also be now.
Essential Guide to Having Your Affairs in Order: I have walked the path of a caregiver, experienced the death of my spouse, and dealt with the overwhe...
I received the call in February, 2010. I was living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, with my wife, and my Dad was living in his home (purchased 60 years prior with assistance from the VA) in Michigan. Instead of his normal, gregarious voice, I heard garbled whispers; "Dad" I yelled, "what's wrong," but all I heard was more garbled whispers, then silence. I immediately hung up and called one of my brothers, who lived about thirty minutes away from Dad. "Drew" I said, "something is very wrong with Dad; can you get off work and get over to his house?"
I received the call in February, 2010. I was living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, with my wife, and my Dad was living in his home (purchased 60 ye...