When picking out a home, there are a number of aspects to keep in mind: location, size, and layout. One issue that many people neglect is energy conservation, which is quickly becoming one of the most important aspects of modern life. How do make your home energy wise? Where do you start? What aspects of home living can affect, and be affected by, our energy choices? This task can be momentous and intimidating. The Energy Wise Home: Practical Ideas for Saving Energy, Money, and the Planet makes it easy. Jeff Dondero walks you through your home's walls, doors, windows, and roof, room by room...
When picking out a home, there are a number of aspects to keep in mind: location, size, and layout. One issue that many people neglect is energy conse...
Most people spend a good deal of time and a little more than half of their energy, money and resources in an effort to make their homes more efficient, for both themselves and the planet. But five days a week nearly all of America goes to work, and some spend almost as much time at their place of work as they do at home. With more than 30 million of these workplaces are small businesses, and 18,500 firms of 500 employees or more, the workplace is largely responsible for the other half of the consumption of resources in the United States. More and more people are becoming progressively...
Most people spend a good deal of time and a little more than half of their energy, money and resources in an effort to make their homes more efficient...
As the world population continues to grow, more people will be moving to cities, making our current large metropolises swell by millions. This work explores what will be needed to build and sustain these cities, and supply and transport their inhabitants on Earth and beyond.
As the world population continues to grow, more people will be moving to cities, making our current large metropolises swell by millions. This work ex...