Dans cette deuxieme aventure du Professeur Challenger, l'humanite entiere est en danger. Deja une epidemie mysterieuse frappe les habitants de Sumatra et le Professeur pressent que le mal va bientot s'etendre a toute la planete. Il reunit donc les aventuriers qui l'accompagnaient deja dans son expedition du Monde perdu et s'enferme avec eux. Seront-ils condamnes a observer l'agonie de tous les habitants de la planete avant de perir a leur tour ?
Dans cette deuxieme aventure du Professeur Challenger, l'humanite entiere est en danger. Deja une epidemie mysterieuse frappe les habitants de Sumatra...
Through the Magic Door (1907) is an essay by Arthur Conan Doyle: his subject is the charisma and charm of books. Doyle invites readers to enjoy the greatest minds of all times through what they have left behind and argues that, when we read, the selfishness and hopelessness of the world can be left behind.
Through the Magic Door (1907) is an essay by Arthur Conan Doyle: his subject is the charisma and charm of books. Doyle invites readers to enjoy the gr...
The Great Shadow, also known as The Great Shadow and other Napoleonic Tales, is an action and adventure novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and published in 1892 in J.W. Arrowsmith's Bristol Library. The novel takes place in the Napoleonic era on the English-Scottish border city called West Inch. The Great Shadow refers to the Napoleon's influence and his reputation that forms a shadow over West Inch.
The Great Shadow, also known as The Great Shadow and other Napoleonic Tales, is an action and adventure novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and pu...