Since the events of 9/11 and 7/7, Islam and Muslims have increasingly been on the receiving end of a barrage of criticism. Many of the Islamic thoughts and practices have come under unprecedented attack under the banner of Freedom. The caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and the banning of the Hijab in France are just two examples of the attempts of western secular countries to actively malign Islam. This attack on Islam and Muslims is however not restricted to certain Islamic thoughts and practices. Rather the whole concept of Shari'ah, the Islamic legal System, is...
Since the events of 9/11 and 7/7, Islam and Muslims have increasingly been on the receiving end of a barrage of criticism. Many of the Islamic thought...
Human being is distinct in the process of connecting the sensation with previous information to produce a new thought. Thinking in this method is universal, like the processes of eating and walking. However, because human beings adopt different Aqaid (beliefs) and the adoption of any Aqeedah builds a person intellectually in a specific format. Then the Aqeedah serves as the intellectual framework that defines the outlook towards life as well as the reference and foundation upon which the person builds all other thoughts. Thus, the Aqeedah by its nature mandates a distinct way of thinking....
Human being is distinct in the process of connecting the sensation with previous information to produce a new thought. Thinking in this method is univ...
Over the years there has been a major discussion among students of knowledge and Fuqahaa about the subject of Khabr Ahaad whether it establishes 'Ilm i.e definite knowledge or not and thereby the question if it can be accepted in the 'Aqaaid. Scholars who claim that the khabr ahaad establishes 'Ilm and can be accepted in 'Aqaaid say that only the Jahmiyah, Mu'tazilah, Jabriyyah and Khawaarij differ in regards to this subject. The Author of this book considers those carrying this view as people who have gone away from the principles of Usool and has written this book as a detailed refutation...
Over the years there has been a major discussion among students of knowledge and Fuqahaa about the subject of Khabr Ahaad whether it establishes 'Ilm ...
The Muslims, since the destruction of their Khilafah in the year 1924, at the hands of the disbelievers and their agents, have lived and continue to live a life of divisions, instability, weakness and insignificance. So after they were the leaders of the world they have become led and after having been one Ummah to the exclusion of all people they have now become divided peoples separated by manufactured borders that lie between them. They are ruled by man-made systems and their weak entities, that number more than fifty, do not benefit them or take them away from being considered part of the...
The Muslims, since the destruction of their Khilafah in the year 1924, at the hands of the disbelievers and their agents, have lived and continue to l...
The behavioural disposition (nafsiyyah) is the method for satisfying man's instincts and organic needs i.e. the manner in which they are satisfied according to a standard which man believes in and trusts. When the satisfaction is based on the Islamic Aqidah then he has an Islamic disposition, if not he has a disposition other than the Islamic behavioural disposition. If a person has one standard for the mentality and behavioural disposition, then his personality becomes distinctive and regulated. If the Islamic 'Aqidah was the basis of his mentality and behavioural disposition, his...
The behavioural disposition (nafsiyyah) is the method for satisfying man's instincts and organic needs i.e. the manner in which they are satisfied acc...
The concept of As-Sababiyah (causality) is from the fundamental concepts of the Muslims and which must remain clear to them. That is because their message in life is a message of action and because they live in the life for the sake of a specific objective. As-Sababiyah is from the Islamic concepts that connects to the Muslim's daily conduct in the case where the accomplishment of an action from amongst his daily actions does not occur without observing this Qaa'idah (principle), the Qaa'idah of As-Sababiyah. When the early Muslims from the era of the Sahaabah, the Taabi'een, the Taabi'ee...
The concept of As-Sababiyah (causality) is from the fundamental concepts of the Muslims and which must remain clear to them. That is because their mes...
In the past 2 centuries many Islamic groups and political parties were established with the aim of calling towards Islam. They all claimed to be following the Messenger of Allah (saw), his Seerah and his Sunnah whilst at the same time each of them would bring an evidence in an attempt to prove the validity of the particular direction and view that they had adopted, whether this was an incident that happened, and action that the Messenger (saw) undertook, a Hadith that he spoke or a matter that he was silent over. This book is aimed at clarifying and setting the path for the Islamic groups and...
In the past 2 centuries many Islamic groups and political parties were established with the aim of calling towards Islam. They all claimed to be follo...
Sh Ali Raghib Sh Taqiuddin an Nabhani Maktaba Islamia
English translation of Ahkam Assalah book by Shekh Ali Raghib. The book was originally written by Shekh Taqiuddin Nabhani however due to the prevalent security situation at the time, he requested Shekh Ali Raghib to assist him in reviewing the book and subsequently publish it under his name. Shekh Nabhanis style of writing is vividly present in the book, his style of quoting the Evidences, the hadith and ayat and extracting the rules from them, just has been the hallmark in all his other books. The book much like all books of Salah starts from the subject of Taharah, and then delves into the...
English translation of Ahkam Assalah book by Shekh Ali Raghib. The book was originally written by Shekh Taqiuddin Nabhani however due to the prevalent...