In the third installment of the Sentinels of Tzurac series, by James Raven, we find a lone Treldarian Blader on a mission to recruit additional forces for a sinister plot against the Federation of Planets. The age-old foes of the Federation are soon planning to use Tzurac's own Xytrinium-infusion formula to destroy the Sentinels and deal a fatal blow to the Federation, crushing it once and for all.
Disgraced Sentinel corporal, Yarron Blandhar, is on a quest to redeem himself after his betrayal of the Federation and the theft of the formula. He seeks to earn clemency for his crimes,...
In the third installment of the Sentinels of Tzurac series, by James Raven, we find a lone Treldarian Blader on a mission to recruit additional for...