If you liked One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek, or Peyton Place, you will probably enjoy this series of books. Beginning with Excruciating Patience, Excruciating Patience: Paradox of Pain, Excruciating Patience: Paradox Squared and Excruciating Patience: Paradox Cubed This is an adventure story, a love story, a compelling story of overcoming the odds. It is the continuing saga of Jillian and friends, told from the view point of a youth, who met with the complexities of life, the good, the bad, the highs and lows. The story encompasses concepts of normalcy, what is acceptable, what is...
If you liked One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek, or Peyton Place, you will probably enjoy this series of books. Beginning with Excruciating Patience, Excru...