To enter the fictional world of Imaginary Women is to revisit a lively cultural era where one read Jacques Lacan and Roland Barthes in the morning, sampled the cinema in the afternoon, and danced to The Clash at night. In an unnamed city in the novel the thirteen fictional women deployed in its coordinate system of interlocking stories both diverge and reconnect in an intricate web of play and puzzles. Composed in short sections, Westlake freely reimagines the narrative language of popular genres such as film noir, science fiction, and the political thriller, and reinvents the...
To enter the fictional world of Imaginary Women is to revisit a lively cultural era where one read Jacques Lacan and Roland Barthes in the...
In recent decades, contemporary art has displayed an ever increasing and complicated fascination with the cinema--or, perhaps more accurately, as D. N. Rodowick shows, a certain memory of cinema. Contemporary works of film, video, and moving image installation mine a vast and virtual archive of cultural experience through elliptical and discontinuous fragments of remembered images, even as the lived experience of film and photography recedes into the past, supplanted by the digital. Rodowick here explores work by artists such as Ken Jacobs, Ernie Gehr, Victor Burgin, Harun Farocki,...
In recent decades, contemporary art has displayed an ever increasing and complicated fascination with the cinema--or, perhaps more accurately, as D. N...
In recent decades, contemporary art has displayed an ever increasing and complicated fascination with the cinema--or, perhaps more accurately, as D. N. Rodowick shows, a certain memory of cinema. Contemporary works of film, video, and moving image installation mine a vast and virtual archive of cultural experience through elliptical and discontinuous fragments of remembered images, even as the lived experience of film and photography recedes into the past, supplanted by the digital. Rodowick here explores work by artists such as Ken Jacobs, Ernie Gehr, Victor Burgin, Harun Farocki,...
In recent decades, contemporary art has displayed an ever increasing and complicated fascination with the cinema--or, perhaps more accurately, as D. N...