THE APOSTLE PAUL: A Brief Sketch of His Life and Theology. This is an excellent guide for Bible Study groups in churches. Easy to read with clear explanations. Covering all of The Apostle Pauls known career and providing a high level review of each of his letters.
THE APOSTLE PAUL: A Brief Sketch of His Life and Theology. This is an excellent guide for Bible Study groups in churches. Easy to read with clear expl...
This project began as an exploration of the somewhat baffling things Paul writes about Jesus in his letters to the churches in Colossae and Ephesus.
Having completed those studies I turned to the oft-misunderstood kenosis passage in Philippians, and from there decided to look at all the letters of Paul to see what they meant for Christology.
Paul is clearly not Christocentric in his theology.
He is Theocentric, so that his Christology is a subset of Theology, and his Soteriology becomes a subset of
both Theology and...
A Pastoral Analysis
This project began as an exploration of the somewhat baffling things Paul write...
GODCOVENANT: Fifty Meditations on God's Covenant. In this book you will find an analysis of the process God employs to govern life and history, using the Biblical concept of covenant to structure it.
GODCOVENANT: Fifty Meditations on God's Covenant. In this book you will find an analysis of the process God employs to govern life and history, using ...
THE CANONS OF DORT A pastoral and theological analysis of this document from the Post-Reformation era. A curious theodicy of the work of God in salvation. It should no longer be designated a standard of orthodoxy.
THE CANONS OF DORT A pastoral and theological analysis of this document from the Post-Reformation era. A curious theodicy of the work of God in salvat...
THE HEIDELBERG CATECHISM A pastoral and theological analysis of this document from the Reformation era. A solid breakaway from the theology of the middle ages, but nonetheless dated. It should not be designated a standard of orthodoxy.
THE HEIDELBERG CATECHISM A pastoral and theological analysis of this document from the Reformation era. A solid breakaway from the theology of the mid...
AROUSING THE RELIGIOUS CONSCIOUSNESS: Schleiermacher's Theory of Preaching. If you are at all inclined toward philosophy you will find this essay stimulating, even if you are not a preacher.
AROUSING THE RELIGIOUS CONSCIOUSNESS: Schleiermacher's Theory of Preaching. If you are at all inclined toward philosophy you will find this essay stim...