Extremists: Studies in Metapolitics collects transcripts of nine of Jonathan Bowden’s most compelling orations: on Thomas Carlyle, Gabriele D’Annunzio, Charles Maurras, Martin Heidegger, Julius Evola, Savitri Devi, Yukio Mishima, and Maurice Cowling, as well as his speech “Vanguardism: Hope for the Future.” These speeches do not just explore the lives and thoughts of creative and exemplary individuals, they also illustrate three cardinal principles that Bowden repeatedly emphasized: First, political change depends upon metapolitical conditions....
Extremists: Studies in Metapolitics collects transcripts of nine of Jonathan Bowden’s most compelling orations: on Thomas ...
It is a perennial embarrassment to the Left that some of the greatest creative minds of the 19th and 20th centuries were men of the Right, and not just conservatives, but men of the far Right, such as fascists and National Socialists—or their precursors and fellow travelers.
K. R. Bolton’s More Artists of the Right offers political profiles of seven immensely accomplished artists and critics who made significant contributions to Right-wing political thought: Richard Wagner, Aleister Crowley, T. S. Eliot, P. R. Stephensen, A. R. D. Fairburn, Count Potocki of Montalk, and...
It is a perennial embarrassment to the Left that some of the greatest creative minds of the 19th and 20th centuries were men of the Right, and not ...