Television, Religion, and Supernatural examines the text of the CW network television series Supernatural, a program based in the horror genre that offers viewers myriad religious-based antagonists through the portrayals of monsters, which its two main characters hunt and destroy, as well as storylines based on the Bible. Even as the series producers claim a nonreligious perspective, the authors contend that story arcs and outcomes of episodes actually forward a hegemonic portrayal of Christianity that portrays a good-versus-evil motif regarding the superiority of Catholicism. The depiction...
Television, Religion, and Supernatural examines the text of the CW network television series Supernatural, a program based in the horror genre that of...
This book examines the rhetoric of the Founding Fathers, activists, presidents, and contemporary actors who play a large role in helping to define American civil religion. It demonstrates how America's civil religion is forged through contestations of its beliefs, rituals, places, events, and myths by different groups and individuals.
This book examines the rhetoric of the Founding Fathers, activists, presidents, and contemporary actors who play a large role in helping to define Ame...