This is the third book in a series on Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering. The purpose of this volume is to bring together the scientific communities of Computational Mechanics and Structural Dynamics, offering a wide coverage of timely issues on contemporary Earthquake Engineering.
This volume will facilitate the exchange of ideas in topics of mutual interest and can serve as a platform for establishing links between research groups with complementary activities. The computational aspects are emphasized in order to address difficult engineering problems of great social...
This is the third book in a series on Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering. The purpose of this volume is to bring together the scientif...
"This book provides contributions on Earthquake Engineering and on Performance-Based design of concrete structures. This book includes topics such as advanced methods for the seismic assessment and vulnerability of structures, strength-based and deformation-based design, and Numerical Models for the Seismic Assessment of Concrete Structures"--
"This book provides contributions on Earthquake Engineering and on Performance-Based design of concrete structures. This book includes topics such as ...