First published in 1981, this book contains papers on terrorism, presented to the International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (ISODARCO). The subject is a complex one as one man s terrorist is another man s freedom-fighter . No simple solution exist to the threat to domestic and international stability posed by the increased use of violence employed by various politically-motivated groups, challenging the authority of sovereign states.
Many of the world s leading authorities on terrorism and sub-state violence are among the contributors here, including J. Bowyer...
First published in 1981, this book contains papers on terrorism, presented to the International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (IS...
When originally published in 1981 this was the first book to bring together in one volume some of the most thoughtful work by British academics and specialists studying the political violence and terrorism which had recently challenged Britain and other Western democracies. Four chapters consider the strategy and tactics of the IRA and the problems of the Northern Ireland conflict. Other articles discuss the phenomena of international terrorism.
Essential reading for courses on political violence, revolution war and staregic studies, this volume will also be of relevance for...
When originally published in 1981 this was the first book to bring together in one volume some of the most thoughtful work by British academics and...