Follow the adventures of Zobo, Bright Star, and their descendants as they travel through a new and strange land where they believe they are the first of their kind. As they journey on, they learn that they are actually going home to where their kind originated, walking in the hooves of their ancestors who lived here thousands of seasons ago.
Follow the adventures of Zobo, Bright Star, and their descendants as they travel through a new and strange land where they believe they are the first ...
The method used to round-up wild horses throughout the western states of America in a humane way. This method has been proven on over 2000 Mustangs over the last 19 years by the author. The author has established two wild horse preserves in New Mexico and is presently looking to set a third in Texas.
The method used to round-up wild horses throughout the western states of America in a humane way. This method has been proven on over 2000 Mustangs ov...