The New Potter: English-Korean Bilingual Reader is Volume One of the World English Bilingual Readers Series. This series consists of stories from around the world written bilingually with carefully controlled vocabulary and grammar making them suitable for learners and users of both English and Chinese. A variety of realistic and exciting themes encourage reading for pleasure. Parallel series include Bilingual Readers and Translation Workbooks to encourage self-study, teaching/learning and translation to/from other languages. The Bilingual Readers support user preference being presented in 2...
The New Potter: English-Korean Bilingual Reader is Volume One of the World English Bilingual Readers Series. This series consists of stories from arou...
The New Potter - Grandfather is becoming too old to make pots anymore. Who will take over his work? His grand-daughter Jamilah is the only person interested, but making pots is not a girl's work. The New Potter: Korean Translation Workbook is Volume One of the World Korean Translation Workbook Series. This series consists of stories from around the world which are written with carefully controlled vocabulary and grammar making them suitable for learners and users of both Korean and other languages. A variety of realistic and exciting themes encourage translation from Korean to other...
The New Potter - Grandfather is becoming too old to make pots anymore. Who will take over his work? His grand-daughter Jamilah is the only person inte...