This interracial crime thriller tells the story of a complex underworld enforcer -- a killer with a conscience -- who is in pursuit of a small-time businessman who stole a "pigeon-blood red" ruby necklace worth millions. He trails the thief from Chicago to Honolulu, but the chase goes sideways after the hardened hit man develops a grudging respect for a couple of innocent bystanders who become embroiled in the crime: the thief's unsuspecting wife and an old flame who comes to her rescue as the enforcer closes in. The hit man ultimately faces a difficult decision: follow orders and kill...
This interracial crime thriller tells the story of a complex underworld enforcer -- a killer with a conscience -- who is in pursuit of a small-time...
This book examines a group-based adaptation of the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) designed for use with preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It describes the principles and procedures of the Group-Based Early Start Denver Model (G-ESDM) and provides practical and empirical guidelines for implementing effective, affordable programs across public healthcare and educational settings. Chapters offer rationales and strategies for designing and evaluating interventions, building interdisciplinary teams, and organizing learning spaces to engage student interest. Examples discuss the...
This book examines a group-based adaptation of the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) designed for use with preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder (A...