Ernst Josef Aufricht Benjamin Bloch Marc Silberman
First English translation of the memoirs of the vaunted theater producer Aufricht, providing an inside account of the late Weimar theater scene in Berlin and much else of interest.
First English translation of the memoirs of the vaunted theater producer Aufricht, providing an inside account of the late Weimar theater scene in Ber...
"Texts by Brecht originally published in Bertolt Brecht, Werke, Grosse kommentierte Berliner und Frenkfurter Ausgabe (vols. 22 and 25) Copyright Surkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1988-2000."
"Texts by Brecht originally published in Bertolt Brecht, Werke, Grosse kommentierte Berliner und Frenkfurter Ausgabe (vols. 22 and 25) Copyright Sur...