American Psychiatric Association Publish Thomas E. Brown
Outside the Box: Rethinking ADD/ADHD in Children and Adults -- A Practical Guide identifies assumptions about ADD/ADHD that demand reevaluation in light of recent research. Building upon a current, science-based foundation, the book describes in practical terms how ADHD can be recognized at various ages; how it differs from more typical brain development; how it can significantly impair those affected; and how it can safely, and in most cases effectively, be treated in children and adults. The book is based upon current scientific research but also on the experience and perspective of the...
Outside the Box: Rethinking ADD/ADHD in Children and Adults -- A Practical Guide identifies assumptions about ADD/ADHD that demand reevaluation in ...
American Psychiatric Association Publish Otto F. Kernberg
The influential psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Otto Kernberg presents an integrated update of the current knowledge of personality disorders, their neurobiological and psychodynamic determinants, and a specific psychodynamic psychotherapy geared to resolve the psychopathology of these conditions.
The influential psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Otto Kernberg presents an integrated update of the current knowledge of personality disorders, their ne...