Released in late August of 2016, 'Dianna' follows the story of a young woman in the 1880's as she ventures into southern Wyoming to begin a new life with a man she's never met. Frustrated with her growing status as a spinster in 1885 Manhattan, Dianna pens a response to an advertisement posted by one, Greyson Crowley. Greyson offers little in the way of a loving husband, but something in Dianna's heart pushes her to move forward. Perhaps it's the sight of a man so very different from the drab, overdressed society suitors she's been exposed to. Perhaps it's the call of an unexplored wilderness...
Released in late August of 2016, 'Dianna' follows the story of a young woman in the 1880's as she ventures into southern Wyoming to begin a new life w...
Charlotte Brittler is content. Unlike her elder sister, Dianna, who headed west in search of a life of adventure, Charlotte thrives in the bustling, overcrowded Manhattan streets. If she could only find a husband, her life would be complete. When the son of a local oil baron captures Charlotte's hard-won interest, her most basic instincts come into play, and Charlotte is swept away down a path full of secrets and intrigue, in a twisting game that threatens her very heart. Logan Drexel is the son of a professional con man. Nothing more and nothing less. His father has gambled away his...
Charlotte Brittler is content. Unlike her elder sister, Dianna, who headed west in search of a life of adventure, Charlotte thrives in the bustling, o...