Sayumi Fujita is a young girl with a past that can only be described as "tragic." Strangely enough, she has no memory of the events. At age 15, she moves to Tokyo and a new high school, Hiramoto. Leaving behind her questions about the past, Sayumi only hopes to start a new peaceful and fun life with her new friends... Peaceful? From the very first day of school, she meets all kinds of chaotic experiences... and ends up registering for a school club that is highly original...
Sayumi Fujita is a young girl with a past that can only be described as "tragic." Strangely enough, she has no memory of the events. At age 15, she mo...
Sayumi Fujita continues her new life in Tokyo. She has become smarter, more determined and much more open minded. She has also discovered some of her friends' feelings, problems and has especially created stronger bonds with them. Sayumi is happy and moving on. But it seems some people are hiding a very important fact from her... Something connected to her past... And from now on, all the upcoming volumes will be read the occidental way, from left to right
Sayumi Fujita continues her new life in Tokyo. She has become smarter, more determined and much more open minded. She has also discovered some of her ...
Sayumi Fujita continue sa nouvelle vie a Tokyo. Elle est devenue plus forte, plus ouverte et plus determinee a suivre son parcours. Elle a aussi decouvert plusieurs problemes et sentiments des amis, ce qui la rend plus proche d'eux. Mais il semble que certaines personnes lui cachent un fait tres important... Un fait relie a son passe... Et a partir de maintenant, chaque tome sera lu dans le sens occidental, de gauche a droite "
Sayumi Fujita continue sa nouvelle vie a Tokyo. Elle est devenue plus forte, plus ouverte et plus determinee a suivre son parcours. Elle a aussi decou...