In the long-awaited sequel to "Fablehaven, " the dragons who have been kept at the dragon sanctuaries no longer consider them safe havens but prisons--and they want their freedom. The dragons are no longer allies to humans./16.
In the long-awaited sequel to "Fablehaven, " the dragons who have been kept at the dragon sanctuaries no longer consider them safe havens but prisons-...
Cursed by the Key of Forgetting, Seth has lost all memory of his past—his relationships, his experiences, and who he really is. For now he will align with his new mentor, Ronodin, the dark unicorn, who takes him to the Phantom Isle, the secret gateway to the Under Realm. Though Seth is not formally a prisoner, Ronodin wants to use him and his shadow charmer powers for his own dark ends.
Kendra is frantic to find her missing brother, but the quest will take her and her companions, including Warren, Tanu, and Vanessa, far from...
Cursed by the Key of Forgetting, Seth has lost all memory of his past—his relationships, his experien...