Humorously illustrated by Hannah Tuohy, "Ted & Pad," the first in the Teddy Tales "I Can Read" trio stars house cats, Teddy and Paddy. This picture book will delight young children who will quickly master reading its simple story and learn to recognize basic numbers. This first book contains basic sentences composed of three-letter words: "Ted is a cat."
Humorously illustrated by Hannah Tuohy, "Ted & Pad," the first in the Teddy Tales "I Can Read" trio stars house cats, Teddy and Paddy. This picture bo...
Join me on my bicycle travels in this recollection of my 30 years of long-distance cycling. Climb some of America's highest mountain ranges, turn the pedals along North America's coasts and rivers, battle the relentless heat and mosquitoes of the western plains. Don't stop there. Ride the Danube River from Black Forest to Black Sea. Visit the cold, foggy, fishing villages of Alaska and Newfoundland. Learn what it is like to be burdened with hospitality on a solo, long-distance charity ride. Best of all, meet some of your fellow Homo sapiens, the most remarkable animals on the planet.
Join me on my bicycle travels in this recollection of my 30 years of long-distance cycling. Climb some of America's highest mountain ranges, turn the ...