The story begins at Glenfinnan in August 1745 with the landing of Prince Charles Edward Stewart and the "seven men of Moidart," an event which has since been commemorated by the erection of a monument on the site; a photograph I took of that monument some years ago now serves to decorate the cover of this book. The narrative, which I have strived to make as historically accurate as possible, goes on from there through many highs and lows via Prestonpans, Carlisle, Manchester, Derby, Falkirk, Stirling and the forts of the Great Glen' before ending in disaster at Culloden in April '46. I have...
The story begins at Glenfinnan in August 1745 with the landing of Prince Charles Edward Stewart and the "seven men of Moidart," an event which has sin...
This is an catalogue of carefully selected examples of the supernatural and inexplicable at work. These have been drawn from several different sources including the internet but the author retains full responsibility for how they appear in this book. The foreword is totally my own work and reflects my own feelings, right or wrong, on the subject matter of the book.
This is an catalogue of carefully selected examples of the supernatural and inexplicable at work. These have been drawn from several different sources...