Do you own or manage a bar or club, or are you planning to do so? Would you like to maximise competitive advantage, revenues, profits, cash flow, longevity, and return-on-investment? All bars and clubs go through the same operational life cycle: (1) honeymoon period, (2) optional plateau, (3) long slow decline, followed by (4) death. Some venues go through their entire life cycle (1)-(4) in less than a year, others operate profitably for decades, but ALL venues ultimately fail (via 3 and 4) sooner or later. From a pure investment perspective, the only differences between venues are (a)...
Do you own or manage a bar or club, or are you planning to do so? Would you like to maximise competitive advantage, revenues, profits, cash flow, long...
Most people have never even heard of mini farming. The reason? It's really just not that popular as of yet. But just like a lot of other things (bell-bottom jeans, Mohawks and rap music) it's coming into its own. The reason is that regular farming is starting to become a problem for a lot of people. It's just so difficult to make a living as a full-fledged farmer because there's so much work involved and not enough demand for it. The big time farmers, the ones that once were able to sustain large farms and take care of their entire family are having trouble making ends meet.
Part of...
Most people have never even heard of mini farming. The reason? It's really just not that popular as of yet. But just like a lot of other things (be...