Sermon on the Mount (Precepts for Life Study Guide: black and white version) Early in His ministry Jesus passed through the region of Galilee teaching in synagogues, preaching "the Gospel of the kingdom," and healing every kind of sickness. As news of these miracles spread rapidly to several other regions, people brought their desperately sick relatives and friends to Him. When He healed all of them, a huge crowd began to follow Him. At a strategic point, He headed up a mountain overlooking the Sea of Galilee to teach them what has become known as the "Sermon on the Mount."...
Sermon on the Mount (Precepts for Life Study Guide: black and white version) Early in His ministry Jesus passed through the region of Gal...
Sermon on the Mount (Precepts For Life Program Study Companion: color version) Early in His ministry Jesus passed through the region of Galilee teaching in synagogues, preaching "the Gospel of the kingdom," and healing every kind of sickness. As news of these miracles spread rapidly to several other regions, people brought their desperately sick relatives and friends to Him. When He healed all of them, a huge crowd began to follow Him. At a strategic point, He headed up a mountain overlooking the Sea of Galilee to teach them what has become known as the "Sermon on the Mount."...
Sermon on the Mount (Precepts For Life Program Study Companion: color version) Early in His ministry Jesus passed through the region of Ga...
JesUs viene pronto Te llena esto de gozo o temor - o un poco de ambos? Te preguntas cOmo debes ordenar tu vida a la luz de Su venida? Primera y Segunda de Tesalonicenses te mostrarA cOmo ordenar tu vida a la luz del inminente regreso de Cristo.
Estudio de 9 semanas: 1 Tesalonicenses - 6 semanas; 2 Tesalonicenses - 3 semanas. Seis dIas de estudios guiados de 20 a 30 minutos de duraciOn, que te ayudarAn a cOmo descubrir los preceptos, propOsitos y promesas de Dios por ti mismo. Preguntas para la discusiOn en grupo o...
ManteniEndose Firme En Estos Ultimos DIas
JesUs viene pronto Te llena esto de gozo o temor - o un poco de ambos? Te pregun...